How to cancel your Spotify Premium subscription

1) Open Spotify’s subscription webpage at in your desktop web browser and log in with your user name and password.

2) Under Subscription and Payment click the link “Cancel your subscription.”

3) Select a reason why you’re cancelling your subscription (choose Other reasons if you’re canceling for a promotion) and click Continue to confirm your choice.

4) Now click Cancel My Subscription.

5) Enter your password in the field and click Cancel Spotify Premium subscription.

How to cancel your Spotify Premium subscription through iTunes
1) On your iOS device, go to Settings → App and iTunes Stores and tap your Apple ID.

2) Now tap View Apple ID and provide your Apple ID password, if asked to do s.

3) Under the Subscriptions heading tap Manage.

4) Tap your Spotify Premium subscription in the list and select Turn off Automatic Renewal to cancel it. Your subscription will stop at the end of the current billing cycle.

5) Tap Done to finish.

If you subscribed to Spotify Premium through a third-party service other than iTunes, you need to contact that company to cancel.

Tip: If you don’t see your Spotify Premium subscription in iTunes and are still being charged, make sure you’re signed in with the correct Apple ID. As a last resort, look for a link to manage your account in the confirmation email Spotify sent you when you first signed up for the paid service, and click Update Details on the landing page.

What Should I Eat When I Have Hemorrhoids?

All those who have hemorrhoids will definitely want to get rid of them as fast as possible. There are a lot of options available to get rid of the problem. The problems can be used to treat the bleeding and the pain that crop up during the occurrence of hemorrhoids. One of the best ways to treat the external hemorrhoids is by regulating the food for hemorrhoids. You need to check the diet. It is always advisable to find the right diet and a balanced diet food to improve the digestive system and it will back everything into the track. Some of the causes that attribute to this problem are sitting in the bathroom for a prolonged period creates a lot of pressure on the venous system, lack of proper diet makes the stool hard and makes it really difficult to pass it. These conditions in the later stage lead to the hemorrhoids. Over use of enemas and laxative, drinking alcohol leads to this problem. Your diet should include foods for hemorrhoid.

Hemorrhoids are caused because of intense pressure in the blood vessels and veins near the region of the rectum and anus. This is the cause of constipation. If you remove the hemorrhoids by the surgical methods, it is likely that you can get them back again.. So it is always to check the diet. Hemorrhoids are widely known as piles and they can be external and internal in nature. So be ready to change the diet and get rid of the problem soon.

The best way to fight against this problem is by including a lot of fiber food. You increase the content of the food items that are rich in fiber, You can include whole grains in large qualities in the daily diet to fight against the hemorrhoids.

Are you aware of the fact that whole grains are rich source of fiber? So include loads of breads and cereals that supply lots of fibers. Other than cereal bran is a good source of fiber. The regular intake of fiber in your food items will help in easy digestion of food and improves the digestive system. If you are planning which fruits and vegetables to include, let me tell you, carrots, corns, sprouts, parsnips, cauliflower, peas, Brussels, asparagus and several others are useful in the treatment of the problem. All these food items help to fight against the hemorrhoids naturally.

Other than this it is advisable to include lots of water. You should drink at least 10-12 glasses of water. This aids in easy bowel movement and makes the stool soft. So you do not find difficulty in passing the stool. Other fluids should be included in the diet. You can cut down on tea and coffee and include fruit juices instead. This will keep the body hydrated. Apart from the food for hemorrhoids, Pilesgon capsules are used for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is advisable to use this capsule for better results. These capsules prevent constipation and reduces the chance of hemorrhoids. It soothes the veins in the anus and helps in easy passage of stools. It also prevents bleeding, the common symptom of hemorrhoid.

Should you Consider Buying a Car in NYC?

Buying a car is not a small decision. And, it has even more significance when you live in America’s most populous city. New York City or NYC is a densely populated city of America. And, as a New Yorker, you have to make a well-thought car buying decision so that it doesn’t come back to bite you.

Is buying a Car a Sensible Decision for a New Yorker?

If you live in Manhattan, you must have faced severe traffic situations regularly. It must have put a damper on your plans. But, do not get worried about the traffic in the Big Apple. Before making a decision of buying a car in NYC, consider the following things:

Car = Freedom
There are multiple car rental companies functioning in NYC that provide you with an opportunity of driving a car. You can get in touch with Zipcar, Hertz, Car Rentals, Rental Cars, Kayak, Expedia, etc. to drive a car.

But, if you travel regularly, buying a car is a good option. It will help you to avoid the trouble of booking a car and paying money to the rental companies. Also, it is convenient to own a car for shopping. If you have your own car, you can run errands quickly. It is helpful especially when you have an infant or an old parent living with you. For example, if you want to take your daughter to the American Girl Café on 5th Avenue, a child-friendly car with proper child-seat is the perfect way to reach the venue safe.

Car = Savings
Booking a rental car or booking a cab will take a considerable amount of time in comparison to driving your car to the venue. It becomes difficult to book a cab or rent a car during weekends. You may not always get a rental car when you want it. And, the weekend rates are high for rental cars. So, if you are driving regularly, it is advisable to buy a car in order to save money and time in the long run.

Another reason for buying a car in NYC is the cost of public transport in the city. A 30-day Metro Card Fare is $116.50. The average cost of riding the subway reduces if you travel more. But, if your place of work is not near the subway station or the bus stop, public transport can become expensive for you. In such a situation, a car becomes a suitable option for you.

Car = Weekend Getaways
Tight deadlines and massive traffic are common for every New Yorker. In order to get away from the fast life of NYC, people usually prefer a weekend getaway. Wouldn’t it be fun and relaxing to leave the city in order to enjoy the beauty and calmness of the Hamptons? You can drive your car to the beautiful Mohonk Mountain House or the serene Castle Hotel to rejuvenate.

If you are someone who considers getaways every weekend, it is best to own a car. It gives you flexibility and ensures that you can explore the nearby areas comfortably. If you book a cab, it is possible that you get stuck in the resort during your stay. But, if you have your own car, you can come and go at your will. Also, if you have friends and relatives in the surrounding states, a car is a worthy investment because of your several visits to them.

When to buy a Car in NYC?

Buying a car in NYC makes sense in the following situations:

>>If your place of work is not situated near a subway station or you are unable to access the bus, then car becomes a convenient option for you.

>>If you have small children, it is sensible to buy a car because it provides safety and comfort to your young ones.

>>If you carpool to work every day, a car becomes an affordable option for you. It is because the cost of gas is divided among several people.

>>If you travel out of the city regularly, a car can be your favorite mode of conveyance.

>>If you do not want to spend money on rental cars, buying a car is an alternative for you.

The decision of buying a car in NYC should depend on your daily commute and the needs of your family. Before signing the deal, do consider the inconvenience of alternate side parking and parking costs of your area. It is better to consider each and every factor before making a decision. It will ensure that your decision doesn’t cause you remorse in the future.